What place for electric vehicles rental market?

2 min de lecture

The electric vehicle rental market, announced as the future of the automobile, begins to impose itself.

The share of these cars could represent 13% of total global sales in 2025, against 2% in 2018. This future is mainly driven by lower manufacturing costs, increased power and autonomy, bonuses and the massive investment of the manufacturers in communication on these models. Fuel taxes and environmental awareness are also allowing the sector to attract more and more people.

Rental and electric cars

The rental and electric cars are  not an exception. Some companies like Yuccaloc or Clicar, accompanied by myrentcar vehicle rental software in this transition, specialize in electric vehicles and new consumer habits such as carsharing. Indeed, the cost of a personal vehicle is estimated at € 6,000 per year, shared between maintenance costs, insurance, fuel and depreciation. Rental and electricity meet the needs of customers, ecologically and economically.

A coherent development of the sector of electric vehicle rental

We can observe a coherent development of the sector of electric vehicle rental. In this dynamic, the place of electric vehicles in the rental should grow and become essential in the future.


Lucas S

Lucas is an expert in vehicle rental and fleet management, passionate about cars and new mobility technologies. He has been supporting automotive and transportation professionals for several years.