5 tips for choosing automobile fleet software

6 min de lecture

Choosing an automobile fleet software is an essential step in developing the management of your fleet of vehicles. How can you do so?


Installing a fleet software can quickly become important to gain efficiency, monitor your costs and make a fleet of vehicles profitable. It must be said that the growth of a fleet often has its share of complexities to manage but also the logistics which need to be implemented. The information to be processed and centralized such as mileage, geolocation, fuel, history, maintenance or even claims are bound to increase. Due to which, opting for an automobile fleet software is required, to save time and avoid errors. In order to help you in this process, we have listed out 5 tips and questions you can think about while choosing an efficient fleet solution and adapted to your needs like myrentcar fleet management software.

What are your fleet management needs?

Do you really know your needs in terms of fleet management? This is a first key question you need to wonder about, to really know which management tool shall meet the challenges of your business. Every software, application or ERP has many peculiarities that meet specific needs.  Before setting up a vehicle fleet management solution, establish a diagnosis and identify your expectations properly.


Do you wish to reduce the costs of your vehicle fleet? Limit risks and anticipate any maintenance and disasters by automating your tasks? Or simply optimize the work of your employees by centralizing your monitoring and the history of the vehicle life cycle? All these questions will guide your choice to download an automobile fleet software adapted to your needs, your teams and of course your budget.

How to reduce costs and make an automobile fleet profitable?

You want to reduce costs as a priority and make an automobile fleet profitable? This is possible with an appropriate software package! It is true that the chosen vehicle fleet management software must include a comprehensive analysis and support tools to manage your business, effectively. These features must integrate all of your data and make it possible to automatically calculate profitability, vehicle by vehicle, period by period or sector by sector.


These reporting tools will help you initially identify the costs of the vehicle fleet, in order to optimize the management and allocation of your funding. Global management of your activity will allow you to reduce your costs directly through the automobile fleet software. Moreover, the management solution must possess other functionalities to reduce your costs, mainly the automation of your tasks directly from the fleet software. Why and how does it work?

How to automate fleet management?

You wish to most of all automate fleet management? You are right, it will not only save you time but also efficiency by avoiding errors! The automobile fleet solution must allow the tasks’ automation, related to the specificities of fleet management. For example, make sure you can automate maintenance alerts and schedule maintenance directly via the automobile fleet software.


Automating your actions through a vehicle fleet solution allows you to properly monitor your fleet’s condition, while anticipating potentially unpleasant surprises! Regular maintenance of all sorts of vehicles (car, heavy goods vehicle, boat, bicycle, etc.) increases their lifespan, maximizes their resale price in addition to guaranteeing the safety of drivers. Moreover, it avoids potential breakdowns which will undoubtedly cost you more than maintenance! In such a case, it is wise to install a vehicle fleet software presenting these features, to automate your fleet management and reduce your costs!

How to monitor fleet management?

You mainly wish to follow the management of the automobile fleet? It is an essential requirement, to properly manage a fleet of vehicles. For this purpose, opt for an automotive fleet software which centralizes all of your information and vehicle lifecycle history. It will also make it easier to share information between your different teams, suppliers, and employees. Make sure you find all your data and documents stored and secured directly through the management tool. This is the foundation for all good fleet management software.


Fortunately, there is a web solution which is capable of meeting all the needs and challenges of an automobile fleet manager: myrentcar fleet management! The automobile fleet solution myrentcar fleet management optimizes the fleet’s TCO while managing your usage and fixed assets via an intuitive planning, claims management, vehicle order management, driver management or even tickets. Fleet management software myrentcar fleet management is more compatible with  the rentpad vehicle inventory application  and the electronic signature facilitates your business procedures. But how can one install it?

How to download an automobile fleet management software?

Downloading automobile fleet management software isn’t a step which should be taken lightly. The management tool must quickly become part of your existing IT system. In this regard, myrentcar fleet management communicates with your existing tools, your website or geolocation and telematics platforms for complete monitoring and optimal integration. Developed by hitechsoftware, downloading the vehicle fleet software myrentcar fleet management is very easy: there isn’t one! It can be directly accessed online on a computer, tablet, or smartphone through a browser, myrentcar fleet management supports you everywhere in your automobile fleet management.


The fleet management software myrentcar fleet management is suitable for the management of all kinds of fleet. Be more mobile than ever: this online solution works in SaaS mode, it was designed in such a way that fleet managers can effectively manage and optimize their activity, right from desk or through the phone! Right from improving TCO to planning alerts and managing the sharing of your vehicles, trucks, or cars, you will find a management tool which is adapted to your business, in myrentcar fleet. Do you wish to optimize fleet management? Make up your own mind and get a demonstration of the automobile fleet software myrentcar fleet management, by filling in the form below.

Myrentcar solution optimizes fleet management

Lucas S

Lucas is an expert in vehicle rental and fleet management, passionate about cars and new mobility technologies. He has been supporting automotive and transportation professionals for several years.