How to manage fines for a fleet of vehicles?

5 min de lecture

Check out our advice and everything you need to know about managing fines for a fleet of vehicles and cars, effectively.


Are you a fleet manager or a company fleet manager? Vehicle rental company? Have your drivers or users committed any traffic violations? What is the procedure to manage vehicle fleet fines? Who needs to pay the fine and how? So many questions that will be answered in this article. You will find the tips to take on and properly manage fleet fines and why it is essential to download a car rental software adapted to your company.

What is fleet ticket management?

Fleet ticket management has many specificities. A car fine is defined as a traffic violation. The cost of a vehicle fine is in the form of an amount which needs to be paid by the driver, depending on the violation. A fine can also be accompanied by additional penalties such as a withdrawal point or simply suspending the driving license. Managing fleet vehicle fines represents the stages to identify vehicles which are subject to a violation so that the driver receives the car fine.

Who pays the ticket for a fleet?

You’re wondering who has to pay the ticket for a fleet? You are at the right place! Since 2017, employers, fleet managers and car rental companies have been required to identify those behind the wheel, while receiving a parking ticket. The name and first name of the person, date of birth, postal address, number, and date of issue of the driver’s license must be mentioned.


This method greatly facilitates criminal prosecution if need be. The automobile fleet fine will be addressed directly to the driver and should not be at the company’s expense. The driver can then directly pay the fine online. Therefore, it is all the more important to manage vehicle fleet reports, in order to find and centralize all of this information easily and avoid any legal issues. This is the basis of proper management of vehicle fleet fines.

Why manage tickets for a vehicle fleet?

Managing tickets for a vehicle fleet isn’t a task which should be taken lightly, while running your business. Fortunately, there is a fine management software to automate and centralize everything: myrentcar! Myrentcar software favors precise and faster fine processing by communicating with the national ticket processing center and identifying vehicles subject to a fine. Installing the fine management application myrentcar will save you a lot of time. It must be said that for the processing of 50 tickets, the agent moves on from 3 working days to 5 minutes. You will not only save time but money as well. With a fine management software, you don’t need to send a registered letter anymore or a CERFA document to fill in by hand.


Is a vehicle in your rental fleet subject to a fine? With the myrentcar ticket management application, you will no longer receive fines at your agency. Myrentcar automatically collects the fines and reconciles them with the contracts, which correspond to the date, time and registration of the vehicle submitted during the violation. The ticket management software myrentcar provides the user with details of the driver or customer to whom the fine belongs and the lessor decides which third party to report. This information will then be directly sent to the administration. Opting for a fine management solution saves you time, money, and efficiency.

How to choose your ticket management application?

It is important to choose the right ticket management application to optimize your business. To do so, this management tool must fully communicate with your company’s IT system and manage all of the specifics of the fine management.  The fine management software myrentcar automatically transfers the re-invoicing of management costs to the vehicle’s renter specifying the fine issue, the date and the fine number.  The ticket management solution myrentcar deals with fines related to parking, automated controls, fixed speed cameras and ERC (Electronic record confirming).


Within the fine management software myrentcar, you can easily find the history of fine processing in vehicle files and customer files, in order to gain a proper understanding of the customer in the agency, regardless of the user. The fine management application myrentcar is in contact with all the prefectures of mainland France and the French overseas territories. The lessor also receives the reports of foreign vehicles in Europe. Fleet management or car rental, both short term and long term, is greatly simplified in addition to being faster and more efficient. But how can the management of fines for a vehicle fleet work? And most of all, how to download the myrentcar fine management software?

How to download ticket management software?

Downloading a ticket management software like the myrentcar is very simple: there is no download! Myrentcar is a web solution in the SaaS mode, which can be accessed online through a computer, tablet, or smartphone to support you everywhere while managing your activity. Developed by hitechsfotware, the fine management application myrentcar was designed to handle fleet tickets but also all your activity! Myrentcar optimizes vehicle fleet management and fleet TCO, schedules automatic alerts, allows you to monitor claims and manages vehicle rental or pooling.


Compatible with rentpad vehicle inventory app, geolocation and telematics platforms, myrentcar adapts to all sorts of structures and companies! The myrentcar online solution also offers comprehensive analysis tools, which helps easily monitor fleet profitability. Like many users, don’t wait to simplify the management of vehicle fleet fines and manage all your activity through a single tool. Anticipate and get a demonstration of the fine management software myrentcar now, by filling in the form below!

Myrentcar system was designed to handle fleet tickets but also all your activity!

Lucas S

Lucas is an expert in vehicle rental and fleet management, passionate about cars and new mobility technologies. He has been supporting automotive and transportation professionals for several years.