How can you create a car rental quote?

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You are a car rental company and want to create a car rental quote easily? Here is an example and the procedure to follow!


A car rental company must be as accurate as possible when offering its commercial offer. Indeed, it is now compulsory to specify all the invoicing terms, and in particular those related to the fuel, with a clear and precise car rental quote. To do this, there are examples and tools recommended when generating a car rental quote. What is the legal value of this quote? Can it replace an invoice or a contract? Let’s take a look at the methodology you should apply and the recommendations for the right car rental management software!

What is a car rental quote?

The primary function of a car rental quote is to inform your customer about the price of the services related to a car, scooter, utility, truck or any other type of vehicle rental. This service can also be accompanied by additional services such as a fixed price for mileage or additional fuel as well as a theft, damage or other deductibles. The car rental quote details all the prices that will be charged to the customer for the service. It ensures that both the customer and the car rental company agree on the price before the car rental begins.

What is the legal value of a car rental quote?

The legal value of a car rental quote is different depending on the car rental company and the customer. For the car rental company, the car rental quote has the value of a contract offer. The car rental company cannot change the deadlines, prices and other information mentioned in the quote. On the customer’s side, the car rental quote is binding from the moment he signs it electronically or mentions in writing “good for agreement”. Once the quote has been accepted, the customer can no longer contest the prices charged in the vehicle rental or the dates and deadlines established. A quote is therefore as binding for the fleet manager and the customer as a contract.

What is the difference between a contract and a quote in car rental?

If the quote signature creates the same obligations as a contract, what is the difference between a contract and a quote for car rental? The quote only includes the essential information about the rental (daily price, fuel, insurance, etc.) but does not go into detail about the terms of the service. Establishing a quote for car rental has the same value as a contract but does not guarantee the same legal security as a contract. The signature of a car rental contract is therefore more legally binding since it allows both parties to cover all aspects of the rental according to the terms established in advance. The invoice for the car rental, on the other hand, is issued at the end of the service. It is above all an accounting document for both the lessor and the client.

Car rental quote example

Here is a template and a car rental quote example with the information and mandatory mentions to include.

  • Date and duration of validity of the rental quote: The car rental company can give the customer a deadline to accept the quote. If the customer has not signed the quote by the deadline, the car rental company is no longer bound by the terms of the quote.
  • Status and legal form of the company and Trade Register number followed by the name of the city where the registration office is located.
  • Individual VAT identification number if applicable.
  • Client’s name and address.
  • Start date and duration of the rental period.
  • The type of vehicle rented
  • Detailed account and description of each service in quantity and unit price (fixed price for mileage or fuel, insurance, theft or damage excess, etc.).
  • Costs associated with the delivery of the vehicle.
  • Payment conditions and service-level agreement.
  • Claim procedures and customer service guarantees.
  • Total amount to be paid without and including VAT, specifying the applicable VAT rates if applicable.

With all of this information, you will have a clear and legally valid car rental quote. There are several tools and systems available to save time when creating and calculating a car rental quote. Many rental companies and car fleets manage their rental and quote with an efficient solution. Like them, we recommend you to download a car rental quote creation software in order to improve your efficiency and management.

How should you choose your car rental quote software?

With all the available products on the market, how should you choose the right car rental quote software for you? There are different methods and systems to generate quotes and it is important to choose the one that best suits your needs and your way of working. The traditional method is to edit a car rental quote from a text editor or spreadsheet. This method has its limits, both in terms of layout and management. The second solution is to acquire a dedicated tool: a car rental quote generator.  Industry leader, used by many SMEs and large groups such as France Cars, DLM or Tractafric, we recommend the myrentcar software to generate a car rental quote automatically and much more!


Developed by hitech software, myrentcar is a SaaS solution to manage car rental quotes accessible online on smartphone and computer. It enables you to calculate, automatically edit your quotes and send them directly by email to your customer with an electronic signature. Why choose myrentcar software? Compared to other options, the myrentcar car rental quote creation software is compatible with the rentpad car inventory application. This application allows you to carry out your inventory of fixtures directly on tablet while reporting the level of fuel and mileage in order to invoice any additional packages laid out in the quote. Because myrentcar enables you to create car rental quotes automatically, but also edit your contracts and invoices and to manage your entire fleet (planning, maintenance, customer, supplier, accounting, etc.). It is therefore the ideal solution! If you would like to download and try the myrentcar online car rental quote generator, we recommend that you request a demo!

Generate your car rental quotes with myrentcar software and much more!

Lucas S

Lucas is an expert in vehicle rental and fleet management, passionate about cars and new mobility technologies. He has been supporting automotive and transportation professionals for several years.