5 tips for accepting the change of vehicle rental software

5 min de lecture

car rental software

Deploying new vehicle or equipment rental software in your company is never trivial for your teams. The implementation of software requires investment and sometimes even a questioning of one’s work habits and methods. Change should not be synonymous with worry, fear or anger; here are 4 tips that will help your teams accept and adapt quickly.

1- Allow time to prepare the necessary elements for the implementation of the new vehicle / equipment rental software

In order to optimise the deployment of your new vehicle (or equipment) rental software, some preparation work is expected from you. Do not hesitate to give it a real interest in order to prepare the rest of the installation as well as possible. The preparation of your customer files, vehicles, equipment, prices or even the layout of your commercial documents can save you precious time later on and avoid your operational teams to suffer your lack of preparation later on. Do not hesitate to meet with your teams to make a list of everything that seems important to you regarding the tool change.
Changing vehicle rental software is changing a strategic and essential working tool, so preparation is not to be neglected. Abraham Lincoln said, “If I am given 6 hours to cut a tree, I will spend 4 hours preparing my axe,” don’t neglect your preparation work.

2 – Explain to your teams how the new vehicle (or equipment) rental software will help them solve the difficulties they encounter

Instead of just announcing the change in your vehicle rental software (or equipment), take the time to explain to your teams the reason for the change. Explain to them what is not working (or not working well) today and why this new software is the best solution to get the desired result. For example, focus on customer satisfaction, disputes, lack of follow-up or time wasted on certain tasks. Your teams must understand how this new tool will improve their daily lives and those of your company.

3 – Offer as much involvement as possible to the people affected by the change in the vehicle (or equipment) rental software

The acquisition of new vehicle (or equipment) rental software can affect several members of your teams. When they have the choice and the necessary information and support to make the right decisions, employees feel more listened to and respected. Giving them autonomy over certain aspects of implementation can be beneficial. The closer they are to their profession and the more involved they are, the more powerful they will be in proposing and accepting the changes necessary for the sustainability of the activity. Do not hesitate to bring your teams together to make them participate positively in the change.

4 – Training in the use of vehicle (or equipment) rental software and follow-up

Users of the vehicle (or equipment) rental software are trained by the publisher/integrator’s consultants. This transmission of knowledge encourages employees to take ownership of the software when deploying the ERP. As an integral part of the project planning, team training is an essential phase not to be neglected in the deployment of the solution. Once the start on the new software package has been completed, and as soon as the users fully exploit all its functionalities, we consider that the change management has been successful. However, it should not be forgotten that all software is constantly evolving. After the deployment of the new vehicle rental software, there is a need for training on two levels:

  • Train users in new features, modules and screens with each release upgrade
  • Practice re-training. Frequently, users develop bad habits and derive from the optimal use of the solution.

5 – In addition to the choice of vehicle (or equipment) rental software, choose a trusted service provider

While it is obvious that the new vehicle (or equipment) rental software must meet your requirements and those of your business, the publisher is also very important. A mistake made by many rental companies is to stop at the software alone, or even worse, to strongly influence their decision regarding the price. The software publisher must be able to support you in the implementation of your new solution. The deployment of the solution must be carried out by qualified personnel both in IT and in the rental business. The service provider must be able to understand your problems and know how to respond to them. If, in addition, he is a consultant to assist you in the development of your business, you should have to deal with a trustworthy interlocutor. Do not expect a satisfactory quality of service from a software publisher with only 2 or 3 employees who are sales representatives, trainers, technicians and developers. Hitechsoftware has been providing solutions dedicated to the vehicle and equipment rental industry for more than 30 years. A team of experts, close to its customers and attentive to their needs, make the publisher a partner of choice for your management solution. Contact hitech today to discuss your project by clicking here.


Lucas S

Lucas is an expert in vehicle rental and fleet management, passionate about cars and new mobility technologies. He has been supporting automotive and transportation professionals for several years.